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We deliver measurement & Control Products and Solutions for the Process and Environment. The extensive range of Products and Solutions we offer our Customers make us stand tall among the others in the industry we serve. We have established ourselves with a capacity to deliver right from a Primary Sensing Element to Measuring Devices and Control Solutions for any Process Plant. What more we do…

  • We supply technically superior Products
  • We provide application oriented solutions
  • We provide Steam Conditioning and Controlling solutions
  • We provide Automation Solutions using PLC, Scada
  • We undertake AMC for the Products and System we supply
  • We provide prompt After- Sales- Support

Our specialization is scaled to various measurement and monitoring applications involving

  • Online Liquid Analysers
  • Online Water Quality Analysers (Thermo Fisher USA & Systea, Italy)
  • Online and Portable Flue Gas Analysers
  • Gas Detection for leak identification or work place safety
  • MAP, IVF, Head Space Analysers
  • Actuated Control Valves
  • Steam Conditioning Stations
  • Pressure and Temperature Gauges
  • Temperature Elements
  • Flow and Level measurement
  • Breather Valves and Flame Arresters
  • Dosing System
  • Automation/ Control system

We are strongly associated with the following Industrial segments with our Products, Systems and Solutions.

  • Chemical, Petro Chemical, Refinery, Oil and Gas
  • Pharma, Dairy, Food and Beverages
  • Steel, Cement, Fertilizer, Power, Sugar, Pulp and Paper
  • Water and Waste Water industry
  • Automobile and ancillaries

Our tiny team of R&D engineers continuously work hard to bring out new products apart from providing customized solutions to any kind of process applications.  We will strive to extend our presence in the field with none other than quality products and services thereby increasing the availability and decreasing the downtime of the products we supply.

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